Phone : 01-83(7448)5831, mail: sravani@consultant.com

Storage Tank Design Consultancy Services

Wisdom is one of the leading design Service provider for oil & Gas Petrochemical & process Industries

Detail Drawings:
1. Name plate detailing
2. Detail drawing of shell layout & weld map
3. Detail drawing of bottom layout & weld map
4. Detail drawing of roof layout & weld map
5. Roof structure detail drawing.
6. Details of spiral stairway, platforms, landings, handrails and other accessories with bill of material
7. Details of wind girder
8. Nozzle & Manway details.
8. Anchorage detail
9. Plate MTO(BILL OF MATERIAL) for all plates (shell, roof, bottom, floating roof etc.)
10. Plate MTO for balance plates (RF pad, manholes, COD, Structures, Gussets etc.)
11. MTO for Nozzle assembly drawings (Pipe, flange, fittings, gaskets, bolting etc.)
12. Roof structural MTO
13. Spare parts recommendations list for following Pre commissioning & commissioning spares
14. Operational spare parts for 2 years of operation

Within three days delivery
on most orders
Technical support & fabrication
We provide only quality design
& drawings as per design code