Phone : 01-83(7448)5831, mail: sravani@consultant.com

Storage Tank Design Consultancy Services

Wisdom is one of the leading design Service provider for oil & Gas Petrochemical & process Industries

Spherical Storage tank design

Wisdom Design Consultancy, established in 1992 by the late Subramanyam Roy, is a premier design consultancy with branches in the United States, Dubai (UAE), and India. With a team of 63 employees, the company achieved a total turnover of $20 million in 2023. We specialize in providing design calculations and detailed CAD drawings for petroleum storage tanks, water storage tanks, chemical storage tanks, and other types of storage tanks.
Our esteemed clients in 2022 and 2023 include industry giants such as Technip, Saipem, Petrofac, Aldia Designs, and Dow Chemicals.
In 2022, we successfully completed 258 projects,
and in 2023, we exceeded expectations with 430 completed projects.

Wisdom Consultancy is a leading global service provider specializing in the design services for Spherical storage tanks design, . Spherical storage tanks are commonly used for storing various types of gases and liquids under pressure. Wisdom Consultancy offer comprehensive services for the design of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),
Ammonia, Butane and Propane, Methane, Chlorine, Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Cryogenic Liquids (e.g., Nitrogen, Oxygen), Hydrogen, Solvents and Chemicals
catering to various industries including oil and gas, refineries, petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, power, food and beverages, as well as breweries and the dairy sector. Our consultancy services have earned immense appreciation from clients for our precise and transparent designs.

Software & Tools: For tank design, Wisdom Consultancy employs advanced tank design software and provides General Arrangement (GA) drawings for customer review and approval. Additionally, Wisdom Consultancy utilizes AutoCAD software to prepare detailed fabrication drawings.
Approval and Marking: For Spherical storage tanks design, Wisdom Consultancy offer both manual and software-based calculation sheets, along with GA drawings. Our services ensure the creation of accurate fabrication drawings that meet exact code requirements.
Finite Element Analysis: Wisdom Consultancy also provides advanced Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to assess the components of Spherical storage tanks ensuring optimal performance and structural integrity.
Design Calculations Preparation: We prepare detailed calculations for the design of storage tanks, ensuring structural integrity and compliance with relevant codes.
GA Drawings Preparation: We create General Arrangement (GA) drawings to provide an overall visual representation of the tank design for client approval.
Fabrication Drawings Preparation: We prepare precise fabrication drawings that outline the specifications required for constructing the storage tank.
Redesign of tank modifications
Overall Plant Layout
Equipment Layout (Dike walls)
Piping Layout
P&ID Diagram for Each Equipment
Material of Construction
Storage Tank Safety Documents
Inspection and Testing Documentation
Risk Assessment
Proximity to Transportation and Utilities
Fire Protection Systems and Bund Walls
Fire Safety Design for Tank Farm
Storage sizing, basic thickness,
Piping sizing , bill of material
Pumps selection & sizing
Instrumentation selection & Sizing
Tanks: [Total Cost]
Civil Foundation: [Total Cost]
Pipes & Fittings: [Total Cost]
Pumps: [Total Cost]
Instrumentation: [Total Cost]
Total for Procurement, Installation, and Commissioning: [Total Grand Total]
Piping upto Jetty
Tank Filling stations
Steam Generation + Heating Coils
Tower to be built 30-40 mtrs high to oversee the entirety of the facility.
office building.
GA Drawing (General Arrangement Drawing)
MR Documents (Material Requisition Documents)
Technical Bid Evaluation
Isometric Drawings (Generation of Isometric Drawings for Piping Systems)
1. Specifications
2. Datasheets
3. GA Drawing (General Arrangement Drawing)
4. MR Documents (Material Requisition Documents)
5. Technical Bid Evaluation
GA Drawing (General Arrangement Drawing)
MR Documents (Material Requisition Documents)
Technical Bid Evaluation
GA Drawing (General Arrangement Drawing)
MR Documents (Material Requisition Documents)
Technical Bid Evaluation

Wisdom Design Consultancy is one of the leading design consultancy firms in the industry, founded in 1981 by the late Sanyasinaidu. With over four decades of experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in providing high-quality design services.
Today, we operate with branches in the United States (U.S.), Malaysia, and India, and employ a skilled team of 95 professionals dedicated to delivering exceptional results.
In 2023, our total turnover was $20 million, reflecting the trust and demand for our services.
Our core expertise lies in providing design calculations and detailed CAD drawing services for a variety of storage tanks, including petroleum storage tanks, water storage tanks, chemical storage tanks, and other specialized storage tanks.
Our commitment to excellence has earned us the privilege of working with some of the biggest names in the industry. In 2022 and 2023, we successfully collaborated with renowned clients such as HPCL, ONGC, Saudi Aramco, and Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), among others.
In terms of project accomplishments, we completed 150 projects in 2022 and 220 projects in 2023, showcasing our growing capabilities and reputation in the global market.
At our Design Consultancy, we specialize in the design and analysis of large spherical storage tanks in compliance with ASME Section VIII Division 1 standards. Our expertise ensures that your storage solutions are robust, efficient, and meet the highest safety standards.
Design Services for Products Stored in Spherical Storage Tanks
We provide specialized design services for a wide range of products typically stored in spherical tanks, ensuring safety, efficiency, and compliance with industry standards.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Ammonia (Anhydrous Ammonia)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Cryogenic Gases
Liquid Sulfur
we ensure our large spherical storage tanks are meticulously designed to withstand various pressures and loads, ensuring safety, efficiency, and longevity.
Key Design Considerations:
Internal Pressure:
Objective: Ensuring the tank can handle the internal pressure exerted by the stored product.
Method: Calculating the maximum internal pressure based on the physical properties of the stored material and the operational conditions.
External Pressure:
Objective: Ensuring the tank's structural integrity under external pressures, such as atmospheric pressure and other environmental factors.
Method: Analyzing potential external pressures and incorporating them into the design to prevent collapse or deformation.
Hydraulic Pressure of Stored Product:
Objective: Calculating the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the stored liquid at different levels within the tank.
Method: Using the formula for hydrostatic pressure (P=ρgh)(P = \rho gh), where PP is the pressure, ρ\rho is the density of the liquid, gg is the acceleration due to gravity, and hh is the height of the liquid column.
Wind Loads:
Objective: Ensuring the tank can withstand high wind speeds without compromising its stability.
Method: Calculating wind load pressures based on regional wind speed data and using these calculations to design wind-resistant features such as stiffening rings or anchors.
Seismic Loads:
Objective: Designing the tank to resist seismic forces and ensure stability during earthquakes.
Method: Performing a seismic analysis based on regional seismic data and incorporating this information into the structural design, ensuring compliance with relevant codes and standards.
Specialized Petal-Type Construction Design Services for Spherical Storage Tanks
At Sandhya Design Consultancy, we are dedicated to providing specialized design services for spherical storage tanks using Petal-Type Construction. This innovative method ensures superior strength, efficiency, and material savings, making it an excellent choice for large-scale storage needs.
What is Petal-Type Construction for Spherical Storage Tanks?
Petal-type construction is a common method used to build large spherical storage tanks. In this method, the spherical shell is divided into multiple segments, or petals, which are fabricated individually and then assembled to form the complete tank
Petal-Type Construction refers to the design approach where the spherical tank's shell is divided into multiple sections (or petals), each of which forms part of the tank's overall shape. These sections are typically welded.

Spherical Storage Tank Petal-Type Construction GA Drawing Services
we specialize in providing General Arrangement (GA) Drawings for Spherical Storage Tanks with Petal-Type Construction. These tanks are designed to handle high-pressure and cryogenic storage needs, and our GA drawings are essential for guiding the fabrication, assembly, and installation processes. Whether you are storing LPG, LNG, ammonia, or other critical products, our GA drawing services ensure that every aspect of your spherical storage tank is meticulously planned and executed.
Spherical Storage Tank Petal-Type Construction: Detailed Fabrication Drawing Services
we offer Detailed Fabrication Drawing Services for Spherical Storage Tanks with Petal-Type Construction, ensuring that every component is precisely defined for fabrication, assembly, and installation. Our fabrication drawings are developed with the highest standards of quality, accuracy, and safety, and are essential for turning design concepts into finished, functional storage tanks.
These detailed drawings play a crucial role in the construction process, ensuring that each petal section, structural support, and tank component is manufactured, assembled, and installed correctly. Whether you are storing LPG, LNG, ammonia, cryogenic gases, or other chemicals, we provide comprehensive fabrication drawings that guarantee smooth execution from fabrication to final installation.
Spherical Storage Tank Supporting Leg Design Services
, we specialize in providing supporting leg design services for Spherical Storage Tanks. We use latest structural softwares to analysis the design Whether your project involves LPG, LNG, cryogenic gases, or other high-pressure or volatile substances, our team of expert engineers will ensure that your tank is supported by a robust, safe, and efficient leg structure. Proper leg design is crucial for maintaining the stability, strength, and safety of the tank during operation, especially under varying load conditions such as wind, seismic activity, and the weight of the stored product.
We offer a comprehensive approach to supporting leg design, ensuring that each tank is supported securely and that the legs are designed to handle the specific load requirements of your storage system.
Spherical Storage Tank Supporting Leg Detailed Fabrication Drawing Services
we offer comprehensive detailed fabrication drawing services for the supporting legs of Spherical Storage Tanks. The supporting leg design plays a crucial role in the stability and safety of the tank, especially when storing high-pressure, cryogenic, or volatile substances such as LPG, LNG, and ammonia. Our expert engineers create precise, code-compliant fabrication drawings that detail every aspect of the supporting leg system, ensuring a smooth and efficient fabrication and installation process.
These detailed fabrication drawings serve as essential blueprints for manufacturers and construction teams, providing all the necessary information to fabricate, assemble, and install the supporting legs accurately and safely.
Spherical storage tanks design consultants-wisdom engineering services
What is Spherical Storage Tanks ?
Spherical storage tanks are large vessels designed to store liquids or gases under pressure, typically used in industrial and petrochemical applications. These tanks are named for their shape, which is spherical, resembling a large ball or sphere.
Key features of spherical storage tanks
Shape: The spherical shape is chosen primarily because it offers the most efficient use of structural material for containing pressurized fluids. This shape allows the tank to withstand high internal pressures without the need for excessive reinforcement.
Pressure Handling: Spherical tanks can handle high pressures more effectively than cylindrical or rectangular tanks of similar volume. The pressure is evenly distributed across the curved surface, reducing stress concentrations.
Volume Efficiency: Spherical tanks have a smaller surface area per unit volume compared to other shapes, which can reduce heat loss and minimize corrosion due to exposure.
Structural Integrity: The spherical shape provides inherent structural strength, making these tanks robust against external forces and reducing the risk of buckling or collapse.
Applications: Spherical storage tanks are commonly used to store liquefied gases (such as liquefied natural gas, propane, or butane), volatile liquids, and other materials requiring containment under pressure. They are also used in some water treatment and wastewater processing applications.
Cost Considerations: While spherical tanks can be more expensive to manufacture than cylindrical tanks due to their specialized shape, their efficiency in terms of material usage and performance under pressure can often justify the higher initial cost.

OUR Storage tank Design service
Design Calculations preparation
GA drawings preparation.
Fabrication drawings preparation .
Mechanical datasheets preparation.
vendor documents review.
Techanical bid evolution .
Cost Estimation for tenders.
Pre bid documents preparation.
post bid documents preparation.
FEED front end design engineering.
Basic design engineering.
Tender documentation preperation.
Storage tank pumps selection and sizing.
Equipment layout preparation.
GA drawing preparation.
shop fabrication drawings preparation.
Tank foundation design and drawings.
Plate cutting drawings preperation.
Tank design standards preparation.
Maintenance manual preparation.
Various codes and standards
The design of spherical storage tanks is governed by various codes and standards to ensure safety, structural integrity, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Some of the key design codes commonly used for spherical storage tanks include:
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: The ASME BPVC provides rules for the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels, including spherical tanks. Section VIII, Division 1 and Division 2 of the ASME BPVC specifically cover the design of pressure vessels, with Division 2 focusing on alternative rules for higher pressure applications.
BS EN 13445 - Unfired Pressure Vessels: Although primarily focused on pressure vessels in general, BS EN 13445 provides design rules for various types of vessels that may influence aspects of spherical tank design, such as pressure considerations, materials, welding, and non-destructive testing requirements.
GB 150 - Pressure Vessels: GB 150 is the national standard for the design, fabrication, inspection, and testing of pressure vessels in China. It covers various aspects including materials selection, design principles, manufacturing processes, welding procedures, non-destructive testing (NDT), and safety requirements.
GB/T 191 - Packaging, storage, and transportation icon marking: GB/T 191 – 505 Chemical industry
IS 2825 - Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels: IS 2825 is the Indian Standard that specifies requirements for the design, construction, inspection, and testing of unfired pressure vessels. It covers various types of pressure vessels, including spherical pressure vessels, made from different materials.
CSA B51 is a Canadian standard that addresses the design, construction, installation, inspection, and maintenance of boilers, pressure vessels, and pressure piping systems. Here's an overview of CSA B51:
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS): JIS standards are national standards issued by the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) and are widely used in Japan across various industries. For pressure vessels, relevant JIS standards include:
JIS B 8201: Welded steel pressure vessels.
JIS B 8265: Unfired pressure vessels.
JIS B 8267: Specification for design and construction of pressure vessels.
AS 1210 - Pressure Vessels: AS 1210 is the Australian Standard for the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels. It provides comprehensive guidelines and requirements for the safe operation of pressure vessels in Australia.
AS 1210-2010: Pressure vessels (incorporating Amendment No. 1).
AS 1210 Supp 1-2011: Pressure vessels—Supplementary requirements.
GOST R 52857 - Pressure Vessels: GOST R 52857 is the Russian standard that specifies requirements for the design, construction, inspection, testing, and operation of pressure vessels. It covers various types of vessels used for containing, storing, distributing, or processing fluids under pressure.
GOST R 52630 - Unfired Pressure Vessels: This standard provides specific requirements for unfired pressure vessels, including materials, design criteria, fabrication methods, and safety considerations.
Spherical Storage Tanks Propane Butane LPG
Spherical storage tanks for propane, butane, and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) are specialized vessels designed to store these gases under pressure. Here are some key features and considerations for spherical storage tanks used for propane, butane, and LPG:
Design and Construction:
Spherical Shape: Spherical tanks are chosen for storing gases like propane and butane because the spherical shape provides the most efficient use of structural material, allowing the tank to withstand high internal pressures without excessive reinforcement. The shape also ensures uniform stress distribution across the tank's surface.
Spherical Storage Tanks, ammonia
Spherical storage tanks for ammonia are specialized vessels designed to store this chemical compound safely and efficiently. Ammonia is commonly stored in spherical tanks due to its unique properties and requirements. Here are some key aspects of spherical storage tanks for ammonia:
Spherical Shape: Spherical tanks are chosen for storing ammonia because the spherical shape provides optimal structural integrity and efficient use of materials. The spherical design allows for uniform stress distribution and can withstand high internal pressures typical of ammonia storage.
Spherical storage tanks design Design Calculations API650,
Spherical storage tanks design Design Calculations API620,
Spherical storage tanks design Design Calculations UL-142
Spherical storage tanks design Design Calculations AWWA,
Spherical storage tanks design Design Calculations IS803
Spherical storage tanks design Design Calculations UROCODE
Spherical storage tanks design GA drawings preparation
Spherical storage tanks design Fabrication drawings preparation
Spherical storage tanks design Mechanical datasheets preparation
Spherical storage tanks design Vendor documents review
we are specializes in all aspects of design and servicing of Spherical Storage Tank Design systems, We offer Spherical Storage Tank Design Engineering services to provide insights into various attributes of the products such as material properties, performance, temperature, pressure etc.
We offer for Spherical Storage Tank Design services to EPC, PMC's Engineering Contractors, and OEM's Owner/Operators globally. Our design team has a wide experience of experience in Spherical Storage Tank Design services.
we are specializes in all aspects of design and servicing of Spherical Storage Tank Design systems, Spherical Storage Tank Design 3D modelling services PDS & PDMS, piping plot plans and unit plot plans, Preparing
We I has extensive experience designing drives to combine reliability, economy and minimize maintenance. Of Spherical Storage Tank Design
With a robust engineering team of skilled and dedicated experts, we provide design and engineering of Spherical Storage Tank Design solutions that add immediate value to your business. And growth
We are specializes in all aspects of design and servicing of Spherical Storage Tank Design systems
Our Spherical Storage Tank Design Engineering Services is known to satisfactorily cater to the demands of its customer base. The business came into existence in 1998.
We are proud to have a skilled in-house Spherical Storage Tank Design Engineering and Design team that are at the forefront of the Storage Tanks piping design industry. Contact us today.
Our wide range of Spherical Storage Tank Design engineering services is designed to fit your every piping design need. Design Engineers with Expertise. Our large degreed service.
Spherical Storage Tank Design, We provide services through all and at any stage of your Spherical Storage Tank Design development life cycle: · piping definition · Concept and styling · Packaging and Modularity · 3D
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. GA drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Fabrication drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Mechanical datasheets preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for ASME SEC VIII DIV 1. Vendor documents review
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Design Calculations
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design GA drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Fabrication drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Mechanical datasheets preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for AMMONIA storage tank design Vendor documents review
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Design Calculations API650,
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Design Calculations API620,
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Design Calculations UL-142
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Design Calculations AWWA,
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Design Calculations IS803
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Design Calculations UROCODE
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design GA drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Fabrication drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Mechanical datasheets preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design Vendor documents review
LPG/PROPANE/BUTANE storage tank design
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations API650,
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations API620,
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations UL-142
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations AWWA,
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations IS803
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations UROCODE
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design GA drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Fabrication drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for LARGE VOLUME storage tank design Mechanical datasheets preparation
Vendor documents review
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations API650,
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations API620,
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations UL-142
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations AWWA,
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations IS803
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Design Calculations UROCODE
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design GA drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Fabrication drawings preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Mechanical datasheets preparation
We offer wide ranges of services for SMALL VOLUME storage tank design Vendor documents review

Within three days delivery
on most orders
Technical support & fabrication
We provide only quality design
& drawings as per design code