Phone : 01-83(7448)5831, mail: sravani@consultant.com

Storage Tank Design Consultancy Services

Wisdom is one of the leading design Service provider for oil & Gas Petrochemical & process Industries

We are a leading service provider of crude oil storage tank design, ensuring compliance with regulations across various countries, states, and regions. Whether you require bulk crude oil storage tanks design services for we offer the most efficient, cost-effective, and tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Each crude storage tank we design is custom-built by our team of experienced engineers, guaranteeing optimal performance and reliability for your fuel storage requirements.
Provide services metric(S.I) or U.S units
Small-Scale Storage Tanks:
Capacity: 10KL to 50KL liters (3000 to 30,000 gallons).
Use: These tanks are used in medium-sized commercial facilities, small industries, or regional distribution centers.
Both horizontal & vertical storage tank designs, floating roof tanks design
Stainless steel or carbon steel, double wall and single wall
Underground & above ground
Temperature Control: In some cases, fuel oil (especially heavy fuel oil) may require heating to maintain its flow properties and prevent it from solidifying. Heating coils or external heaters can be integrated into the design of the tank
Internal Features: Tanks may have agitators, heating coils, or insulation to maintain oil quality and consistency.
Every crude storage tank we design can comply with the well as the international standards like API 650, Custom exterior painting and interior linings can be advised as per customer requirement .
Nozzles as per customer requirement

We provide design & fabrication drawings, delivery time with in two days , tank thickness as per design code, We can submit both PDF & CAD file, PRICE : 250 USD, send message or WHATS UP Message :+91- 8374485833

Large-Scale Storage Tanks:
Capacity: 100 m3 to 50,000m3 liters (25,000 to 1,50,000,0 gallons).
Use: Typically used at large crude oil storage facilities, such as import/export terminals, pipeline hubs, or in oil-producing regions where substantial volumes of crude oil need to be stored for extended periods.
Above ground flat bottom storage tanks, cone roof or floating roof tanks
carbon steel,
Every crude oil storage tank we design can comply with the well as the standards API 650 or other international standards Custom exterior painting and interior linings can be advised as per customer requirement .
Nozzles as per customer requirement

We provide design calculations , GA, fabrication drawings, delivery time with in ten days , tank thickness as per design code, We can submit both PDF & CAD file, PRICE : 2000 USD, send message or WHATS UP Message :+91- 8374485833

Within three days delivery
on most orders
Technical support & fabrication
We provide only quality design
& drawings as per design code